All Essays

Will the Paris Agreement Make a Difference?

Will the Paris Agreement Make a Difference?

The Regulatory Review features leading experts’ views on the success of the Paris Agreement.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Over 190 countries agree to curtail greenhouse gas emissions at the UN Climate Conference, the U.S. House releases the Omnibus Appropriations Bill, and more…

Can Regulatory Clarity Increase Retirement Savings?

Can Regulatory Clarity Increase Retirement Savings?

Federal auditor says that more detailed regulation may expand participation in certain retirement programs.

Pipeline Safety Regulator Proposes Rule to Prevent Pipeline Spills

Pipeline Safety Regulator Proposes Rule to Prevent Pipeline Spills

Rule would impose reporting and inspection requirements in light of 2010 pipeline spill and legislation.

Federal Agency Moves to Ensure Safety in Public Housing

Federal Agency Moves to Ensure Safety in Public Housing

New rule issued to protect public housing occupants from sexual harassment in their home.

Navigating the Terrain of Antitrust Oversight and State Regulation

Navigating the Terrain of Antitrust Oversight and State Regulation

FTC guidance on “active supervision” of state regulatory boards fuels concerns about intrusions on state sovereignty.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The U.S. Senate passes a stopgap spending measure, the D.C. Circuit hears oral arguments on the FCC’s net neutrality rules, and more…

Seventh Circuit Finds Wisconsin Abortion Statute Unconstitutional

Seventh Circuit Finds Wisconsin Abortion Statute Unconstitutional

Court finds state law to be medically unnecessary and burdensome to women seeking abortion services.

Could Judges Solve Climate Problems?

Could Judges Solve Climate Problems?

A Penn panel discussion sparked a lively debate about whether courts should shape environmental policy.

A Message of Hope and Caution for Global Climate Negotiations

A Message of Hope and Caution for Global Climate Negotiations

Australian senator speaks at Penn Law on creating an international climate agreement.

Climate Change and National Security

Climate Change and National Security

Scholar highlights the national security concerns connected with a changing climate.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama discusses climate change at COP21, the U.S. Senate votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and more…