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Global Banking Associations Attribute Bond Market Slump to Regulation

Global Banking Associations Attribute Bond Market Slump to Regulation

Researchers claim that post-crisis regulatory overhaul has created a liquidity crisis.

Regulating Marijuana’s Environmental Impacts

Regulating Marijuana’s Environmental Impacts

California’s proposed medical marijuana standards include environmental protection provisions.

NYC Bill Would Have Kids Trade Calories for Toys

NYC Bill Would Have Kids Trade Calories for Toys

New research finds that kids would consume fewer calories under proposed fast-food standards.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The FDA finalizes rules to prevent food-borne illnesses, President Obama issues an executive order about paid sick leave requirements, and more…

Restoring Civil Servants to their Proper Role

Restoring Civil Servants to their Proper Role

Reform the civil service system to ensure good people fulfill government’s vital roles.

Policymaking by (Bad) Anecdote

Policymaking by (Bad) Anecdote

To improve government’s performance, look at what it gets right.

Save the Bureaucrats…from the Politicians

Save the Bureaucrats…from the Politicians

Keep the bureaucrats, cut back on the private contractor bureaucracy.

Save the Bureaucrats

Save the Bureaucrats

Responsible governance requires a top-notch government workforce.

Good Government Requires Good People

Good Government Requires Good People

In annual address at Penn Law, ACUS Chairman Paul Verkuil calls for strengthening bureaucrats’ capacities.

Regulating Labor Day Parades

Regulating Labor Day Parades

Local regulations help ensure that holiday celebrations go off without a hitch.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Postal workers seek public support for their labor grievances this holiday weekend, a court grants an injunction against the EPA’s “Waters of the U.S.” rule, and more…

Pennsylvania Seeks New Approach to Long-Term Medicaid Services

Pennsylvania Seeks New Approach to Long-Term Medicaid Services

State explores Medicaid changes to improve care for the elderly and persons with disabilities.