The Case Against FDA Regulation of Laboratory-Developed Diagnostic Tests
Scholar argues against proposal to regulate lab-developed tests as medical devices.
The Case for FDA Regulation of Laboratory-Developed Diagnostic Tests
Scholar argues in favor of proposal to regulate lab-developed tests as medical devices.
The Workplace Constitution and the Spiderman Theory of State Action
“With great power comes great responsibility” to ensure workplace equality.
Week in Review
Gun control advocates call for stricter regulations after the on-air shooting of a news crew, the EPA issues federal water quality standards, and more…
Applying Tobacco Tax Lessons to Sugary Drinks
Scholar says price minimums and prohibitions on discounts must accompany sugary beverage taxes.
Federal Agency Moves to Enhance Safety of Public Transportation Systems
The Federal Transit Administration issued a proposed rule to increase monitoring of public transit systems.
Committee Recommends Cautious Use of Issue Exhaustion Doctrine in Rulemaking Cases
ACUS committee warns against requirement to raise issues in rulemaking before seeking judicial review.
Does Extending a Comment Period Equal Regulatory Delay?
Study suggests a link between comment period extensions and delays in final rules.
Week in Review
The EPA proposes measures to curb methane emissions, the FTA requests comments on a proposed rule to maintain the safety of public transportation, and more…
White House Announces International Development Partnerships
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew leads delegation to U.N. conference on development finance.
Last Licks for Baseball’s Chewing Tobacco Habit
City and state officials seek to ban chewing tobacco from sports stadiums around the country.
Legal Challenges to Fracking Regulation
It remains to be seen whether industry efforts to fight hydraulic fracturing regulation will succeed.