Mandated Disclosure May Have Flaws, But It Still Has Value
Scholar highlights some of the successes of mandatory disclosure policies.
Week in Review
U.S. Senators introduce bill requiring cost analyses of agency regulations, the FDA takes steps to remove trans fat from processed foods, and more…
Are Mandated Environmental, Health and Safety Risk Disclosures Really as Bad as iTunes License Agreements?
Commentator highlights where mandatory disclosure remains valuable.
Information Overload and Mandatory Securities Regulation Disclosure
Arming the public with the right information is good for securities markets, but information overload is not.
The Failed Reign of Mandated Disclosure
Recent book highlights flaws in mandatory information disclosure as consumer protection policy.
Is Mandatory Disclosure Helping Consumers?
The Regulatory Review features commentators on a recent book that questions whether mandatory disclosure is really working.
Week in Review
U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch reintroduces the SCRUB Act, the European Parliament delays its vote on TTIP, and more . . .
The Regulatory Review Reading List on Waters of the U.S. Rule
RegBlog’s go to resources for understanding the newly released Clean Water Rule.
Reasons to Regulate When Benefits Can’t Be Quantified
CPSC considers costs of regulating corded window coverings, benefits to child safety.
Parties Still Battling Over Proposed Carbon Rule After Case is Argued
In letter to court, states claim that a tweet proves the EPA has made up its mind.
Forging a Treaty in the Face of Climate Change
PPR panel addresses the risks of climate change and the realities of reaching an international agreement.