What Enabled Chile’s Remarkable Recovery from Disaster?
PPR seminar examines factors behind Chile’s bounce back from 2010 earthquake.
Week in Review
The EPA and U.S. Army finalize the Clean Water Rule, the DOJ issues a policy guidance regarding Unmanned Aircraft Systems, and more…
Former Fed Chair Proposes Broad Changes to U.S. Financial Regulatory System
Volcker Alliance releases report calling for new financial system oversight structure.
Are Health Care Antiseptics Safe and Effective for Medical Professionals?
The FDA asks for new data on the safety and efficacy of antiseptics used in hospitals and other health care settings.
PPR Launches Major Study of Business Regulation and Economic Inequality
Newly awarded grant will help scholars investigate the intersection of regulation and inequality.
Electronic Medicare Cards Could Reduce Fraud, Improve Care
GAO report suggests replacing paper Medicare cards with newer technology.
Week in Review
The Obama Administration releases its Unified Agenda, U.S. Senator Mike Rounds announces a resolution that allows review of federal agency rules, and more…
New Chilean Bill on Parking Rates Stirs Debate
Chilean lawmakers seek to redefine affordable parking as a consumer right.
Bringing Administrative Hearings to the People
Administrative Conference report recommends best practices for video conferencing by federal agencies.
Sue-and-Settle Bill Threatens a Delicate Equilibrium
Deadline suits may offer key opportunity to even the playing field in regulatory agenda-setting.
We Shouldn’t Dismiss “Sue and Settle” – or Other Regulatory Problems
Sue and settle tactics may influence agency behavior and rulemaking.
The Debate Over “Sue-and-Settle” Legislation
The Regulatory Review post sparks further debate over recent bill to curb negotiated agreements about rulemaking.