Veterans Affairs Department Struggles to Complete Much-Needed Medical Facilities
Delays in several large construction projects raise concerns about agency mismanagement.
Regulating the Next Generation of Genetic Testing
New approaches to clinical care pose regulatory challenges.
Balancing Medical Privacy and Public Safety
HHS letter clarifies HIPAA’s Privacy Rule and may have the potential to reduce gun violence.
Week in Review
A federal judge halts President Obama’s immigration plan, the FAA announces rules for commercial drone use, and more…
Global Banking Committee Announces New Priorities
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision publishes its agenda for 2015–2016.
Evaluating Regulations after the Fact
ACUS calls for incorporation of retrospective analysis into the regulatory process.
Lawmakers Propose a Single Food Safety Administration
A recently introduced bill would create a new, unified agency to oversee all U.S. food safety.
EPA’s Ozone Standard Is Insufficiently Stringent, Not Overly Expensive
A lower ozone standard means more benefits for Americans.
Week in Review
President Obama proposes a new way to regulate food, the House votes to require federal agencies to measure regulatory costs, and more…
Should Local Governments Support the Sharing Economy?
Despite regulatory controversy, two legal scholars argue that state and local governments should actively subsidize the sharing economy.
In Defense of Soft Law Accounting Standards
Scholars argue that the diffusion of soft law norms throughout the European Union promotes reliable accounting practices.
How the U.S. Government Can Better Promote “Anchor” Institutions
New report proposes ways that the federal government can help encourage anchor institutions to revitalize communities.