All Essays

GAO Exposes Flaws in Pesticide Testing of Food

GAO Exposes Flaws in Pesticide Testing of Food

Report finds deficient testing and potentially misleading reporting by government agencies.

What Is the Ideal Cost-Benefit Analysis?

What Is the Ideal Cost-Benefit Analysis?

Two researchers propose a simpler way to perform cost-benefit analysis.

A New Way to Measure Industry-Level Regulation

A New Way to Measure Industry-Level Regulation

New dataset provides researchers new opportunities for analyzing regulatory impacts.

Why We Need to Measure Regulation

Why We Need to Measure Regulation

Answering key questions about regulation requires better data.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The FDA issues new drug labeling requirements, an FCC commissioner writes a letter to Netflix regarding net neutrality, and more…

Senate Report Finds Strong Wall Street Influence on Commodities Markets

Senate Report Finds Strong Wall Street Influence on Commodities Markets

Legislators urge the Fed to increase oversight of large banks.

Technology Companies or Taxi Services in Disguise?

Technology Companies or Taxi Services in Disguise?

Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft pose challenges for local regulators.

The State of Inequality in America

The State of Inequality in America

Federal Reserve Chair’s speech lays factual foundation for policy deliberation.

Audit Says FEMA Still Not Ready to Deliver Supplies During Emergencies

Audit Says FEMA Still Not Ready to Deliver Supplies During Emergencies

FEMA’s supply chain system might not aid disaster victims effectively, report says.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama announces new ozone emissions standards, the FDA establishes menu-labeling rules for chain restaurants, and more…

The Turkey and Its Regulation

The Turkey and Its Regulation

Regulation is all around us – even at Thanksgiving dinner.

Climate Change is Getting Worse

Climate Change is Getting Worse

U.N. Panel’s final report comes at a delicate inflection point for policy makers.