Week in Review
Midterm elections give Republicans control of the Senate, the EPA reaches an historic Clean Air Act settlement, and more…
Can Copyright Law Protect Revenge Porn Victims?
Copyright protection may provide a possible tool in the fight against revenge porn.
Promoting Safer Streets
Department of Transportation steps up effort to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist safety.
SEC Expands Disclosure Requirements for Asset-Backed Securities
New rule addresses valuation problems that may have contributed to financial crisis.
Predicting Regulatory Delay
New model aims to predict how long it takes rules to be published after they clear OIRA review.
Week in Review
The Fed announces new capital requirements and stress test rules, the FCC explores options for web-based TV services, and more…
What are the Effects of State Voter Identification Laws?
A recent GAO report investigates how ID requirements impact voter turnout.
Federal Government Looks to Revise Home Health Care Guidelines
Proposed rule would revise Medicare certification requirements for home health agencies.
Obamacare Could Improve Prisoner Healthcare and Save States Money
Medicaid expansion creates incentives for states to provide inmates with health care services.
There is More to Mandatory Disclosure than Meets the Eye
“Targeted transparency” can help achieve regulatory and regulated entity goals.
Week in Review
The FEC announces plans to remove some campaign contribution limits, the CDC supplies grant money to fight Ebola, and more…
Corporate Inversions May Be on the Rise
New research claims benefits of inversions often outweigh costs.