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Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama announces cooperative efforts with India on climate change, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau seeks to aid colleges in accessing student funding, and more…

Can We Finally Fix “Too Big to Fail”?

Can We Finally Fix “Too Big to Fail”?

Recently passed House legislation would amend bankruptcy code for big banks.

Public Access to the Law Must Be Taken More Seriously

Public Access to the Law Must Be Taken More Seriously

The Office of the Federal Register has missed an opportunity to ensure meaningful public access to over 9,000 government regulations.

New Rules on Incorporated Standards Encourage Necessary Public-Private Collaboration

New Rules on Incorporated Standards Encourage Necessary Public-Private Collaboration

Incremental steps balancing open government with private copyright strike the right chord.

We Decline to Define ‘Reasonably Available’

We Decline to Define ‘Reasonably Available’

The new amendment to incorporation by reference rules leaves important issues unaddressed.

Incorporating Private Standards into Public Regulations

Incorporating Private Standards into Public Regulations

Commentators assess final rule on how agencies incorporate private standards into public regulations.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama delivers the State of the Union Address, The Supreme Court decides to hear same-sex marriage cases, and more…

FERC Demand Response Resource Order May Be Heading to the Supreme Court

FERC Demand Response Resource Order May Be Heading to the Supreme Court

An invalidated agency order aimed at updating the power industry is seeking new life.

Testing is Destroying the Common Core

Testing is Destroying the Common Core

The marriage between the Common Core and testing should be annulled.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the Common Core

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the Common Core

When debating Common Core, activists lose sight of students far too often.

Common Misperceptions

Common Misperceptions

Naysayers are often unaware of what goes on in Common Core classrooms.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama releases his plans for strengthening cybersecurity, the 9th Circuit Court denies a request for a rehearing of its decision striking down a marriage ban, and more…