The Advantages of Private Certification Over Government Regulation
Private certification may better achieve regulatory goals than governments and regulatory agencies.
Fed May Increase Capital Holding Requirement for Large Banks
In testimony before Senate, Federal Reserve official foretells changes to banking rules.
USDA Proposes Lifting Longstanding Ban on Argentinian Meat Imports
USDA finds meat from Northern Argentina can be safely imported despite longtime concerns about foot-and-mouth disease.
Increasing Financial Regulatory Predictability through Optimizing Business Strategy
Regulatory change requires companies to implement systems to analyze regulation.
Week in Review
The White House moves forward on a federal minimum wage rule, The Treasury Department addresses corporate inversions, Eric Holder announces his resignation, and more…
When a State Agency is Not a State Actor
The U.S. Supreme Court will decide when a state agency is immune from federal antitrust law.
The Case Against Using Global Benefits to Set U.S. Climate Policy
Two prominent economists introduce new questions into the debate over the social cost of carbon.
Broadband Competition is the Internet’s “North Star”
FCC Chair emphasizes need for increased consumer choice in the years to come.
Regulate the Sharing Economy Parent Companies, Not Individual Providers
Company-focused regulation is better for regulators, consumers, and companies themselves.
Week in Review
The SEC issues news Dodd-Frank rules for credit rating agencies, the FCC announces a forthcoming text-to-911 service, and more…