Regulatory Analysis: Year in Review
The Regulatory Review celebrates 2014 by featuring our top analysis posts from the past year.
Regulatory Opinion: Year in Review
The Regulatory Review celebrates 2014 by featuring our top opinion essays from the past year.
Regulatory Year in Review: 2014
The Regulatory Review celebrates the developments in regulatory news, analysis, and opinion of 2014.
Week in Review
The FDA announces a change to its ban on blood donations from gay men, the Justice Department extends is application of Title VII protections, and more…
Satisfaction Is Not the Same as Policy Success
Making decisions that satisfy those involved in regulatory policy-making does not guarantee successful outcomes.
New Program Will Help Veterans Gain Timely Access to Medical Care
The VA establishes a temporary program to make it easier for veterans to obtain medical care.
Federal Advisory Board Seeks Comment on Public-Private Partnership Disclosure
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board says public-private partnerships need targeted disclosure.
Cybersecurity and the Risks of Law Enforcement Back Doors
Rather than making us safer, so-called security back doors will increase the vulnerability of digital systems.
Week in Review
President Obama announces the restoration of diplomatic relations with Cuba, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals rejects a law suit relating to air quality standards, and more…
The Nuclear Option for Reducing Climate Change
Debate reignites over whether nuclear energy is an important tool or a costly mistake.
The IMF’s Way Forward for Sovereign Restructuring
International Monetary Fund report suggests reform of sovereign debt rules.
FDA Revises its Historic Proposal to Regulate Animal Food
Industry pushback appears to slow down landmark rule.