All Essays

Corporate Inversions May Be on the Rise

Corporate Inversions May Be on the Rise

New research claims benefits of inversions often outweigh costs.

New Federal Guidance Issued on Public-Private Toll Roads

New Federal Guidance Issued on Public-Private Toll Roads

Federal highway authority calls for balancing public policy objectives with private investment.

How Fear Can Help Fight Ebola

How Fear Can Help Fight Ebola

Public fears of Ebola give health officials an opportunity to harness public attention for greater good.

Interstate Medical Licensure and Emergency Response

Interstate Medical Licensure and Emergency Response

Adoption of new model legislation could improve medical response to public health crises and disasters.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Jean Tirole wins the Nobel Prize, the Department of Defense releases a climate change response plan, and more…

Supreme Court Regulatory Cases to Watch

Supreme Court Regulatory Cases to Watch

In its upcoming term, Supreme Court will decide key regulatory issues.

Rethinking States’ Role in Federal Rulemaking

Rethinking States’ Role in Federal Rulemaking

By understanding key tradeoffs, federal agencies can enhance state participation in the regulatory process.

Justice Department Proposes Disability Accommodations for Moviegoers

Justice Department Proposes Disability Accommodations for Moviegoers

Proposed rule would require theaters to show movies with closed captioning and audio description for disabled patrons.

Is There Hope for Expertise in Antitrust Law?

Is There Hope for Expertise in Antitrust Law?

Sitting FTC Commissioner speaks at Penn Law on the limits of judicial and agency expertise.

Week in Review

Week in Review

State Department revises Exchange Visitor Program requirements, EPA extends comment period on water rule, and more…

Proposed Safeguards for Free Immigration Legal Services

Proposed Safeguards for Free Immigration Legal Services

Proposed rule could improve the accuracy of government list of free sources of legal aid.

Regulatory Policy and the Brazilian Presidential Election

Regulatory Policy and the Brazilian Presidential Election

Electoral results indicate Brazilians remain divided over regulatory policy.