How Much Could it Cost to Do Nothing?
White House report claims costs of delaying action on climate change are high.
Shorter Sentences for Parole Violators
Parole Commission considers new rule to reduce sentences for minor parole violations.
Improving Regulatory Processes Around the World
New OECD report encourages governments to learn better ways to make regulations.
Rethinking the Value of Voluntary Environmental Programs
Voluntary programs may not reduce businesses’ impact on the environment.
Week in Review
The DOD defends transfers of extra military gear to police forces, the DOJ plans to revise procedures for no-fly list removal, and more ….
The Enhanced Role of Economic Analysis in Securities Rulemaking
An SEC Commissioner and former Chief Economist explain the role of economic analysis in rulemaking.
The Promise of International Water Treaties
Water-related international agreements represent a key source of untapped regulatory potential.
When 1+1+1 Doesn’t Add Up
Conflating testing and evaluation with education standards threatens Common Core.
Politics, Law, and Presidential Power
Disputes about the limits of executive power cannot be productively resolved by appeals to the Constitution.
Week in Review
President Obama proclaims the week National Health Center Week,
the CFPB issues its first consumer advisory on virtual currencies, and more…
Achieving Procedural Fairness in Black Lung Benefits Hearings
Black lung disease is increasing, but fewer miners can successfully claim benefits.
Regulating the Settler-in-Chief
When it comes to brokering settlements, presidential power may need to be regulated.