Week in Review
The TSA announces it will not permit “powerless” electronic devices on certain flights, the EPA proposes amendments to the Clean Air Act, and more…
Mixed Response to FDA’s Planned Makeover of Nutrition Labels
Proposed updates to label draw praise from public health groups, concern from food industry.
Alcohol Bureau Will Not Revise Labeling Rules
TTB withholds “gluten-free” label for specially processed beers.
The Promise and Perils of Gluten-Free Labels
The FDA’s gluten-free labeling rule may lead manufacturers to inform some consumers while misleading others.
How Did Wyoming Take Back Control of Gray Wolf Protection?
Essay contest winner chronicles conflict between federal and Wyoming officials over management of gray wolf population in the state.
Regulatory Essay Competition Winners
The Regulatory Review celebrates winners of innovative essay contest conducted by Penn Law Professor Sophia Lee in her administrative law class.
Week in Review
The Supreme Court holds RFRA applies to closely held corporations, the European Court of Human Rights upholds France’s ban on burqas, and more…
Why Should Regulators Apply Cost-Benefit Analysis to Financial Regulation?
Scholars present a defense of and propose a framework for financial cost-benefit analysis.
(Mis)management of Lake Okeechobee Discharges
To save a natural treasure, Florida should institute stricter TMDLs to reduce fertilizer runoff.
The Role of Permits in the Regulatory State
General permits play an increasingly important role in implementing regulation.
Rethinking Disclosure in the Wake of McCutcheon v. FEC
The FEC’s data system must be improved if campaign finance disclosure is to work.
Week in Review
The Supreme Court invalidates recess appointments, the Tenth Circuit rules against Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage, and more…