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When 1+1+1 Doesn’t Add Up

When 1+1+1 Doesn’t Add Up

Conflating testing and evaluation with education standards threatens Common Core.

Politics, Law, and Presidential Power

Politics, Law, and Presidential Power

Disputes about the limits of executive power cannot be productively resolved by appeals to the Constitution.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama proclaims the week National Health Center Week,
the CFPB issues its first consumer advisory on virtual currencies, and more…

Achieving Procedural Fairness in Black Lung Benefits Hearings

Achieving Procedural Fairness in Black Lung Benefits Hearings

Black lung disease is increasing, but fewer miners can successfully claim benefits.

Regulating the Settler-in-Chief

Regulating the Settler-in-Chief

When it comes to brokering settlements, presidential power may need to be regulated.

GAO Advises Congress on Climate Change

GAO Advises Congress on Climate Change

Official from oversight agency recommends greater effort to protect federal facilities from climate change damage.

It’s Time to Make Rulemaking Really Transparent on Agency Websites

It’s Time to Make Rulemaking Really Transparent on Agency Websites

Regulatory agencies should do more to make information about proposed rules more accessible.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The mayor of Toledo lifts the city’s drinking water ban, the FDA plans to begin regulating lab test devices, and more…

Failure Should Spark Creativity, Not Caution, in Economic Development

Failure Should Spark Creativity, Not Caution, in Economic Development

A cautious approach to policy failure may impede the ultimate success of development programs.

Will a Proposed E-Cigarette Rule Adequately Protect Youth?

Will a Proposed E-Cigarette Rule Adequately Protect Youth?

The FDA recently proposed a rule on e-cigarettes, but critics claim key protections are still needed.

Two Cheers for Industry Self-Governance

Two Cheers for Industry Self-Governance

Better analysis can reveal the conditions under which self-regulation works well for society.

Long-awaited Money Market Regulatory Reform Falls Short

Long-awaited Money Market Regulatory Reform Falls Short

The SEC’s new money market rule may actually increase the run risk for some funds.