All Essays

Reforming Labor Law to Protect U.S. Workers

Reforming Labor Law to Protect U.S. Workers

Scholars argue that the best way to improve labor law is to change union election rules.

Reconnecting Regulators to the Regulated

Reconnecting Regulators to the Regulated

Scholar proposes a new U.S. regulatory system that would be more accountable to the public.

Safety Culture vs. Safety Systems in U.S. Transportation

Safety Culture vs. Safety Systems in U.S. Transportation

Regulators should focus on forging a safety culture to reduce automotive accidents and fatalities.

Examining Health Care Equities

Examining Health Care Equities

Allison K. Hoffman discusses the role of state ballot initiatives, federal law, and private equity in the U.S. health care system.

Should Mass Tort Victims Settle for Bankruptcy?

Should Mass Tort Victims Settle for Bankruptcy?

Scholars and commentators discuss whether mass torts belong in bankruptcy court.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The SEC requires companies to report emissions and climate risks, the VA expands reproductive health services, and more…

The Myth of Operation Choke Point

The Myth of Operation Choke Point

Scholar corrects the narrative that spawned laws prohibiting banks from cutting ties with the gun industry.

The Battle Over Student Rights and Race

The Battle Over Student Rights and Race

Scholar suggests that public school students have a right to receive critical race theory education.

FCC’s New Rule Protects Domestic Violence Survivors’ Cell Phone Access

FCC’s New Rule Protects Domestic Violence Survivors’ Cell Phone Access

FCC says a cell phone can be an abuser’s tool of control or a survivor’s lifeline.

Building Empathy Into an Automated State

Building Empathy Into an Automated State

A government that increasingly operates on the basis of artificial intelligence will still need to supply human empathy.

International Approaches to Surrogacy Regulation

International Approaches to Surrogacy Regulation

Scholars discuss the interests and priorities motivating global surrogacy regulations.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The FTC challenges the Kroger-Albertsons merger, President Biden moves to protect the personal information of service members, and more…