All Essays

The Black Supermarket

The Black Supermarket

Regulators struggle to stem the tide of smuggled drugs, meats, guns, cigarettes, animals, and other goods.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The USPTO issues guidance on AI-assisted innovations, the U.S. Small Business Administration redefines what qualifies as a small business, and more…

The Reopened Window of Tech Regulation

The Reopened Window of Tech Regulation

Scholar analyzes regulation gaps and argues that COVID-19 created a unique opportunity to regulate technology overuse.

Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Tipping?

Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Tipping?

Commentator argues that tipping should be abolished because it promotes wage theft and inequality.

Final Merger Guidelines Released

Final Merger Guidelines Released

The Justice Department and the FTC jointly release final antitrust policy for business mergers.

Compliance is the Bridge to Better Regulatory Outcomes

Compliance is the Bridge to Better Regulatory Outcomes

Analyzing and improving compliance is the key to strengthening regulators’ performance.

Increasing Sports Gambling Taxes Through Regulation

Increasing Sports Gambling Taxes Through Regulation

Scholars call for improved regulation of sports gambling.

Week in Review

Week in Review

EPA tightens standards for industrial air pollution, the D.C. Circuit rejected former President Trump’s claimed immunity from criminal prosecution and more…

The Urgent Need for Two Unanimous Opinions

The Urgent Need for Two Unanimous Opinions

The Supreme Court should decide two monumental lawsuits about former President Trump with short, narrow, and unanimous opinions.

Raising Questions About a Carbon Tax

Raising Questions About a Carbon Tax

Policymakers should more carefully consider the challenges to implementing a carbon tax.

Labor Department Proposes New Definition of Fiduciary

Labor Department Proposes New Definition of Fiduciary

The new rule would impose fiduciary duties on financial professionals in additional circumstances.

The Bounded Triumph of Health Care Ballot Initiatives

The Bounded Triumph of Health Care Ballot Initiatives

Medicaid expansion ballot initiatives show state referenda can expand health care access—but they have their limits.