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Nuclear Power After Fukushima

Nuclear Power After Fukushima

PPR seminar considers how Japan disaster will affect nuclear power globally.

Patents, Patients, and Profits: Winners and Losers in Drug Patent Challenges

Patents, Patients, and Profits: Winners and Losers in Drug Patent Challenges

Challenges to branded drugs from generic firms have benefits and costs.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Mississippi enacts abortion law, EPA releases fracking rules, appeals court temporarily blocks union poster rule, and more.

Supreme Court and PTO Produce New Rules on “Laws of Nature” Patents

Supreme Court and PTO Produce New Rules on “Laws of Nature” Patents

After the Mayo decision, Patent and Trademark Office issues guiding memorandum.

Will Obama be Damaged by New Administrative Scandals?

Will Obama be Damaged by New Administrative Scandals?

Recent scandals will likely reinforce existing predispositions more than move the political needle.

Member of Congress Documents “Loophole” for Medical Device Approval

Member of Congress Documents “Loophole” for Medical Device Approval

Advocacy groups join Rep. Markey in calling for reform of FDA review process.

FDA Rejects Petition to Ban BPA

FDA Rejects Petition to Ban BPA

Agency will continue to monitor the results of toxicity studies.

Week in Review

Week in Review

DOJ sues over e-book pricing, court hears cigarette label challenge, CFPB outlines mortgage rules, and more.

Feds Claim Unlawful “Conspiracy” Inflated Prices of E-books

Feds Claim Unlawful “Conspiracy” Inflated Prices of E-books

Antitrust lawsuit alleges Apple and five publishers conspired to eliminate competition.

WTO Creates Roadblock to Administration’s Anti-Smoking Initiative

WTO Creates Roadblock to Administration’s Anti-Smoking Initiative

U.S. prohibition of flavored cigarettes violates international trade agreement.

EPA to Regulate Carbon Emissions from New Power Plants

EPA to Regulate Carbon Emissions from New Power Plants

Proposed rule would impose the first greenhouse gas standards on new facilities.

A Confluence of Concerns with the Accumulation of Regulatory Regimens

A Confluence of Concerns with the Accumulation of Regulatory Regimens

Requiring agencies to consider the cumulative costs of their regulation has its own cumulative costs.