Have Increased Regulations Made the U.S. Less Competitive?
Recent study finds correlation between increased regulatory burdens and decreased international competitiveness.
Consumers and Lenders May See Different Credit Scores
CFPB finds credit score discrepancies and recommends heightened consumer awareness.
California Bans Homosexual Reparative Therapy for Minors
California becomes first state to outlaw gay conversion therapy for children.
Week in Review
Romney says parts of Dodd-Frank are excessive, FTC revises “green” guidelines for marketers, and more.
Presidential Candidates Spar Over Role for Regulation
In debate, Obama and Romney disagree on how much regulation is needed.
DHS to Offer Deportation Guidance on Same-Sex Couples
Discretionary relief from deportation for same-sex partners.
Has the U.S. Regulatory System Broken Down?
A new book both challenges and informs the debate over government regulation.
Week in Review
White House group requests speedier drug approval, report details advantages of carbon tax, and more.
Report Highlights Difficulties with Regulating Federal Grants
GAO identifies oversight challenges in administering federal grants to state and local governments.
FDA Finds Arsenic in Many Rice Products
Federal food safety agency says cutting rice consumption would be premature.
House Strikes Back Against Obama’s “War on Coal”
Republicans pass bill that would restrict federal regulation.