Øresund: A Case Study of EU Regulations and Labor Market Distortions
Commuting patterns highlight differences in labor regulations.
Week in Review
Goldman CEO says stricter regs are necessary, FDA studies arsenic levels in rice, and more.
Predicting the Cost of Financial Reform
IMF report contends that more stringent bank regulations will not harm the economy.
“Develop”-ing Open Government Resources
White House launches “one-stop shop” of open government resources.
Trickle-down Regulatory Impact Analysis
Does the president’s political party lead to better or worse RIAs?
Regulation’s Four Core Components
A clear framework to cut through semantics about different types of regulations.
PPR Announces Fall 2012 Risk Regulation Series
Three seminars will offer critical insights into regulation’s impact on business and society.
Department of Energy Announces Solar Energy Investments
DOE seeks to invest in technologies to make solar energy more cost-effective.
Failing at Failure: An Institutional Analysis of Dodd-Frank’s Orderly Liquidation Authority
OLA applies an ill-fitting model to financial distress resolution and produces troubling participatory effects.
Evaluating the PTO’s Proposed Fee Structure
Proposed fee structure remains flawed and may contribute to the perception of a “broken” patent system.
Week in Review
Chinese city limits the number of cars, FEC allows cell phone campaign donations, and more.