Week in Review
Fannie/Freddie debt forgiveness authority remains unchanged, Cybersecurity Act fails to clear Senate, and more.
House Approves Regulatory Moratorium
H.R. 4078 would block new rules until unemployment rate falls to six percent.
California Adopts “Homeowners Bill of Rights” to Combat Foreclosures
The Golden State joins other jurisdictions in adopting reforms to lower foreclosure rates.
Smartphone Patent Wars: The Role for Import Bans
Congress holds hearings on the role of import bans in licensing of standard essential patents.
Is Flexible Regulation an Oxymoron?
Regulatory flexibility makes sense only when comparing rules’ stringency, structure, specificity, and scope.
Week in Review
Court upholds EPA sulfur dioxide air standards, House passes regulatory moratorium, and more.
Pennsylvania to Resume Homeowners Assistance Program
Program that had saved thousands of homes is resuming.
OSHA Warns Fracking Employees of Silica Inhalation Risk
Hazard alert highlights a health-related concern about natural gas extraction.
Appeals Court Decision Favors EPA’s Climate Change Rules
Three-judge panel affirms EPA’s decisions in regulating greenhouse gases.
Canadian Foundation Recommends Arctic Council Action
Report suggests cautious expansion and urges funding for indigenous participants.
Week in Review
White House emails released on EPA soot standards, federal court upholds EPA air rule, CFPB probes Capital One’s marketing, and more.
Remembering James Q. Wilson
The Penn Program on Regulation celebrates the life and work of scholar James Q. Wilson.