Week in Review
CFTC alters definitions, EPA revises green house gas rules, FDA proposes medical device tracking, and more.
Senate Bills Aim to Help Graduates in STEM Fields Get Green Cards
Supporters of Senate Bills on STEM say US needs skilled immigrants.
Justice Department Attempts to Close Prisons’ Revolving Door
The Department of Justice hopes to reduce crime by easing the path to reentry.
Justice Roberts’s Opinion on Health Care Reform
We excerpt key portions of Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion.
PPR Hosts Washington Workshop on Economic Impacts of Regulation
Roundtable in Washington D.C. focuses on analyzing regulatory impacts on employment.
Week in Review
Supreme Court upholds the Affordable Care Act, SEC will miss JOBS Act deadline, EPA tailoring rule upheld, and more.
The First Step: Let’s Kill All the Regulations
Romney’s strongest reform proposals would dramatically change regulation in the U.S.
Strong Politics, Weak Prospects
Romney’s plan is a promising political statement, but its practical suggestions fall short.
Romney’s Regulatory Policy?
Romney’s plan appears to propose impractical solutions for questionable problems.
From Rhetoric to Action
Presidential nominee Mitt Romney would need congressional support for his regulatory reform proposals.
Romney’s Regulatory Plan
The Regulatory Review’s five-part series on Romney’s regulatory plan features unique commentary by legal experts on regulation and administrative law.
Romney’s Regulatory Agenda – Right Turn?
Romney’s proposals could be productive changes to regulatory review policy.