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Week in Review

Week in Review

Supreme Court rules on television indecency, President Obama invokes executive privilege, and more.

Obamacare and Federalism’s Tug of War Within

Obamacare and Federalism’s Tug of War Within

A theory of “balanced federalism” may advance the federalism debate over health care reform.

What is it Like to be a Regulatory Practitioner?

What is it Like to be a Regulatory Practitioner?

Regulatory law gives you an appreciation of how the world works.

Working with Regulatory Agencies

Working with Regulatory Agencies

Understanding that policy-making is ultimately idea-driven leads to solutions for regulatory problems.

The Regulatory Practitioner

The Regulatory Practitioner

The Regulatory Review is proud to feature the remarks of John F. Cooney, keynote speaker at the first annual regulation dinner at Penn Law.

Understanding the Regulatory Process

Understanding the Regulatory Process

Regulation is a rewarding, intellectually challenging field of law.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Senate hearing for Nuclear nominees, FCC eliminates broadcast signal rule, EPA approves Everglades clean up, and more.

Congressional Hearing Highlights EPA Oversight of Hydraulic Fracturing

Congressional Hearing Highlights EPA Oversight of Hydraulic Fracturing

House subcommittee hears economic and health arguments about fracking.

Hydrokinetics: Generating Power from Water

Hydrokinetics: Generating Power from Water

Congress and FERC act to promote the development of hydrokinetic power.

FCC Seeks Comments on Proposed Rule for Public Safety Do-Not-Call List

FCC Seeks Comments on Proposed Rule for Public Safety Do-Not-Call List

The FCC seeks input on how to manage and enforce a Do-Not-Call Registry for emergency service lines.

Reconciling Brown v. Gardner and Chevron

Reconciling Brown v. Gardner and Chevron

How to fix a statutory interpretation anomaly arising in veterans’ law cases.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Fed proposes new bank capital rules, SEC approves circuit breaker rules, EU plans to adopt strict auto emission limits, and more.