Administration Articulates Only Fine Distinctions in Defending Health Care Reform
Solicitor General limits his Supreme Court arguments to the specifics of health insurance.
White House Hosts Conservation Conference
Conference emphasizes impacts of conservation on urban and rural communities.
Obama’s Reforms Give States a Shot at Coming Out Winners
Health care reform demonstrates President Obama’s evolving understand of federalism.
Comparing the Presidential Candidates’ Energy Policies
Obama and his Republican rivals seek different paths to energy independence.
Rule of Law Prevails in Sackett v. EPA
Don’t believe either the environmentalists or the property rights supporters.
Week in Review
Congress passes insider trading bill, the White House defends “gas hike trio,” the Supreme Court rules on wetland case, and more.
Supreme Court Allows Legal Challenge to EPA Authority to Proceed
Unanimous court authorizes direct judicial review of EPA water pollution orders.
Member of Congress Highlights Lack of Regulation of Potentially Dangerous Flu Research
Rep. Sensenbrenner spotlights controversial avian flu studies.
FCC Reform Bill Wins Key Committee Vote
Party-line vote moves forward bill that would change FCC processes.
Adaptive Responses to Climate Change
Adaptation deserves consideration as response to global warming.
Beyond Cost-Benefit Analysis
Social welfare function incorporates distributional considerations into policy analysis.
Week in Review
Anti-smoking campaign, SEC probe of pre-IPO trading, inquiry into European telecom operators, and more.