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Member of Congress Highlights Lack of Regulation of Potentially Dangerous Flu Research

Member of Congress Highlights Lack of Regulation of Potentially Dangerous Flu Research

Rep. Sensenbrenner spotlights controversial avian flu studies.

FCC Reform Bill Wins Key Committee Vote

FCC Reform Bill Wins Key Committee Vote

Party-line vote moves forward bill that would change FCC processes.

Adaptive Responses to Climate Change

Adaptive Responses to Climate Change

Adaptation deserves consideration as response to global warming.

Beyond Cost-Benefit Analysis

Beyond Cost-Benefit Analysis

Social welfare function incorporates distributional considerations into policy analysis.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Anti-smoking campaign, SEC probe of pre-IPO trading, inquiry into European telecom operators, and more.

Nudging Smokers Away from Tobacco Risks

Nudging Smokers Away from Tobacco Risks

Tobacco regulation increasingly takes a behavioral turn.

Religious Liberty Advocates Challenge Contraception Mandate

Religious Liberty Advocates Challenge Contraception Mandate

The Becket Fund claims Obama’s health care regulation violates federal law.

Clearer Framing Needed for “Open Government”

Clearer Framing Needed for “Open Government”

Open government debate needs to separate politics from technology.

Public Consultation and Legalized Detention in China

Public Consultation and Legalized Detention in China

Open comment period helps steer China away from legalizing “residential surveillance.”

Week in Review

Week in Review

White House transparency website launched, new guidelines issued for human subjects in clinical trials, investor Stanford convicted, and more.

The Proper Limits of the Congressional Regulatory Veto

The Proper Limits of the Congressional Regulatory Veto

The CRA’s ban on issuing “substantially similar” rules has been misunderstood

Pennsylvania’s SNAP Asset Test Will Backfire

Pennsylvania’s SNAP Asset Test Will Backfire

The test will be expensive and discourage efforts to become financially independent.