Week in Review
NTSB recommends ban on cell phone use in cars, SEC appeals decision in Citigroup case, Canada withdraws from Kyoto Protocol, and more.
Over-Regulation of Parthenotes Stifles Valuable Scientific Research
Federal government should fund research using stem cells from unfertilized eggs.
Reclaiming Workplace Health and Safety for All
Inconsistent enforcement of the UK’s health and safety regulations unduly burdens businesses.
CPR Report on OIRA’s Meetings Ignores Their Context
Increased regulatory action under Obama means that OIRA has more regulations to review.
Week in Review
House passes REINS Act, HHS Secretary limits access to Plan B, Senate blocks CFPB nominee, and more.
Centralized Review Politicizes Protection of Public Health, Worker Safety, and the Environment
New report shows regulatory playing field tilting far to the right.
Hearing Raises Questions about Legality of Mining Office Consolidation
Criticisms leveled at Interior Secretary’s decision to move OSM into BLM.
FCC Staff Report Finds AT&T/T-Mobile Merger Contrary to Public Interest
AT&T calls report “obviously one-sided” and questions whether its authors were “predisposed.”
Is the Regulatory Sky about to Fall?
Claims that the Regulatory Accountability Act will paralyze agencies have a long pedigree.
Week in Review
FAA increases inspections for American Airlines, Judge Rakoff rejects SEC settlement, Facebook settles with FTC over privacy violations, and more.
Agencies Should Pay For Any Copyrighted Materials They Incorporate by Reference
Incorporated materials may be difficult to obtain, so agencies must make them available at their own expense.