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White House Actions on Regulatory Reform Do Not Match Its Rhetoric

White House Actions on Regulatory Reform Do Not Match Its Rhetoric

The Obama Administration has only insignificantly lightened regulatory burdens.

European Court of Justice Fails to Scrutinize Precautionary Principle

European Court of Justice Fails to Scrutinize Precautionary Principle

A recent judgment undermines legitimacy in risk regulation.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Resumption of smog litigation, new oil spill investigative report, apple juice safety, and more.

Petition Calls for Reform of FDA Regulation of Generic Drug Labels

Petition Calls for Reform of FDA Regulation of Generic Drug Labels

Advocacy group petitions agency to let generic drug manufacturers update labels.

Could a Future President Reinstate the Military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy?

Could a Future President Reinstate the Military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy?

Despite some Republican candidate promises, reinstating a ban on gays in the military would be hard to do.

The Ozone Standard as Presidential Policy: Some Concerns

The Ozone Standard as Presidential Policy: Some Concerns

Obama’s short-term decision dangerously contradicts long-term legislative policy.

Why Costs Should Play No Role in Setting Ozone Standards

Why Costs Should Play No Role in Setting Ozone Standards

President Obama made a bad decision to withdraw EPA rule.

Week in Review

Week in Review

EPA’s stricter smog rule set back, Russian President calls for reform of Russia’s aviation industry, FHFA sues banks for loan misrepresentation, and more.

Obama’s Ozone Decision Shows Clearly Who’s in Charge

Obama’s Ozone Decision Shows Clearly Who’s in Charge

Letter from OIRA Administrator Sunstein emphasizes President’s role.

Romney Weighs in on REINS

Romney Weighs in on REINS

Presidential candidate’s plan outlines his regulatory reform stance.

Making the Rulemaking Process Accessible to Ordinary Citizens

Making the Rulemaking Process Accessible to Ordinary Citizens

Administrative agencies should design their websites with rulemaking participation by the general public in mind.

Obama Asks EPA to Delay Ozone Standards

Obama Asks EPA to Delay Ozone Standards

Concerns over economy clash with more stringent air pollution standards.