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Senators Debate the Merits of Blocking the AT&T/T-Mobile Merger

Senators Debate the Merits of Blocking the AT&T/T-Mobile Merger

Sen. Kohl argues that consumers would lose a low-priced option while Sen. Lee claims the merger would generate efficiencies.

New York Recommends Expansion of Fracking

New York Recommends Expansion of Fracking

NY department advocates ending gubernatorial moratorium on fracking.

Week in Review

Week in Review

FAA furlough, electronics recycling program, consumer mortgage advertising regulations, and more.

HHS Proposes Rules for Affordable Insurance Exchanges

HHS Proposes Rules for Affordable Insurance Exchanges

Proposed federal standards issued for implementing health care reform.

FTC Holds Workshop on Preventing Patent Hold-Ups

FTC Holds Workshop on Preventing Patent Hold-Ups

Workshop participants considered mandating disclosure and restricting license terms.

Australian Commission Seeks Comments on Regulatory Evaluation Methods

Australian Commission Seeks Comments on Regulatory Evaluation Methods

Productivity Commission to report on prioritizing, evaluating regulatory reform.

The REINS Act: A Constitutional Means to Control Delegation

The REINS Act: A Constitutional Means to Control Delegation

The proposed legislation would give Congress authority over a limited set of major regulations.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Senate examination of the rulemaking process, stricter drilling safety standards, the EPA sued over smog policy, and more.

Senate Committee Continues Review of Regulatory Reform Bills

Senate Committee Continues Review of Regulatory Reform Bills

Two former OIRA Administrators testify at hearing.

The Dangers of Indicators

The Dangers of Indicators

Increased reliance on indicators can mask an institution’s non-quantifiable policies, Galit A. Sarfaty argues.

HHS Releases Progress Report on Open Government

HHS Releases Progress Report on Open Government

The agency details its plans to enhance transparency, public collaboration.

Rulemakings at the Fed, CFPB Need White House Supervision

Rulemakings at the Fed, CFPB Need White House Supervision

After Dodd-Frank, financial regulations of independent agencies should be subject to OIRA review.