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Why Congress Should Not Codify Cost-Benefit Analysis Requirements

Why Congress Should Not Codify Cost-Benefit Analysis Requirements

Codifying cost-benefit analysis requirements of Executive Order would preempt valuable nuances of current review system.

The Myths of Benefit-Cost Analysis

The Myths of Benefit-Cost Analysis

Congress should resist the popular misconceptions of the critics of benefit-cost analysis.

Europe’s E. coli Outbreak:  The EU Food Safety Regime Under Stress

Europe’s E. coli Outbreak: The EU Food Safety Regime Under Stress

A rare strain of E. coli raises tensions and questions over the EU response.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review.

New Virginia Legislation on the Closure of Abortion Clinics

New Virginia Legislation on the Closure of Abortion Clinics

The law requires abortion clinics to meet stringent standards.

House Passes Resolution Disapproving of Net Neutrality Rules

House Passes Resolution Disapproving of Net Neutrality Rules

Democrats and Republicans disagree about FCC’s role in Internet access.

Federal Judge Rejects Amended Google Books Settlement

Federal Judge Rejects Amended Google Books Settlement

Judge finds that settlement would unduly increase Google’s market power.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

Agency Calculations of the Value of Statistical Lives Saved

Agency Calculations of the Value of Statistical Lives Saved

Regulatory agencies change monetary values used when analyzing life-saving regulations.

The Administration’s Regulatory Review Plans Move Toward Evidence-Based Governance

The Administration’s Regulatory Review Plans Move Toward Evidence-Based Governance

The White House has just released the first plans for retrospective reviews of existing regulations from thirty agencies, making a notable step toward evidence-based governance.

GAO Recommends Reducing Governmental Duplication

GAO Recommends Reducing Governmental Duplication

Report uncovers potential waste in agency programs.

The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy

The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy

Private international organizations increasingly set the rules for business activity around the world, but domestic institutions still matter even in setting global rules.