HHS Rescinds Health Care Conscience Provisions
HHS repeals “overly broad” portions of Bush-era regulation.
Washington Workshop on Assessing Open Government
PPR workshop discusses how to study government transparency programs.
House Subcommittee Considers Codifying Agency CBA
Witnesses agree about the importance of thorough cost-benefit analysis.
Regulators Introduce New Risk Retention Rule for Banks
Proposal would require banks to retain some risk on most securities they issue.
Proposed FDIC Rule Clarifies Liquidation Process For “Too Big To Fail” Firms
Proposal would set debt priority and authorize taking compensation in certain cases.
Texas and EPA Battle Over Greenhouse Gas Regulations
Texas v. EPA continues in the D.C. Circuit Court.
Open Government and Its Impact
Defining open government and conceptualizing its success are key first steps in developing a transparency research agenda.