CPSC Launches Consumer-Driven Online Database for Unsafe Products
New product safety initiative receives mixed reviews.
United States and EU Reduce Reliance on Credit Rating Agencies
The SEC eliminates references to CRA ratings from its rules, while the EU increases its oversight of CRAs.
Why the REINS Act Is Unwise If Not Also Unconstitutional
A proposed act would hinder needed regulations, thereby interfering with the executive branch’s constitutional authority to execute the law.
Let’s Review the Rules
Agencies can narrow the political gap over regulation by retrospectively measuring the actual impact of their regulations.
MSHA Seeks More Comments on Proposed Coal Miner Health Rule
Proposed standards attempt to reduce black lung disease risk.
Report on Financial Crisis Singles Out the Office of Thrift Supervision
Senate subcommittee staff report faults OTS in Washington Mutual collapse.
Senate Committee Considers the Public Health Implications of Fracking
Senators debate whether to regulate a drilling process.
DOJ Approves the Google-ITA Merger but More Antitrust Scrutiny May Be Waiting in the Wings
The FTC may investigate Google’s practices after the company settles with the DOJ.
The EPA Transport Rule’s Positive Net Benefits
Studies show that the environmental and health benefits of the EPA’s proposed rule would significantly outweigh its compliance costs.
Federal Research Center’s New Venture Into Drug Discovery
New National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences works with pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs.