Japan’s Nuclear Disaster Generates Debate Over American Preparedness
Lawmakers study the nuclear disaster in Japan and debate the necessity of improvements to American nuclear safety.
Debate Heats Up Over Regulation’s Costs to the Economy
State and federal policymakers are scrutinizing regulations for the costs they may impose on the recovering economy.
PPR Panel on Outsourcing National Security
Two prominent scholars discuss the federal government’s reliance on private firms to carry out national defense functions.
The Dodd-Frank Dilemma
Law gives regulators more responsibility, so agencies need to keep new regulations simple and find ways to attract talented staff.
Preemption of Vaccine Injury Lawsuits Upheld
The Supreme Court decides that federal statutes preempt state lawsuits over vaccinations.
FTC Loses Bid to Block Labcorp-Westcliff Merger
Two clinical testing laboratories may now merge after judges reject the FTC’s arguments for blocking the merger.
FDA Grants Hearing on Proposed Withdrawal of Marketing Approval for Avastin
The FDA proposes to withdraw approval for a breast cancer treatment, with hearing scheduled for June.
Senate Hearing on Appliance Efficiency Standards Sparks Consumer Choice Debate
Members of Congress debate consumer choice issues raised by efficiency standards for light bulbs and appliances.
Scholars Debate Whether the Administrative Procedure Act Provides Sufficient Transparency
Scholars argue that agencies do not weigh sufficiently comments they receive under the APA.
A “Noah’s Ark of Scholars” Discusses Strategies for Increasing Public Engagement with the Government
The federal government hosts conference to promote research on open government.
Dodd-Frank Implementation Faces Strong Congressional Opposition
Members of Congress introduce legislation to roll back Dodd-Frank and limit funds appropriated to financial regulatory agencies.