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Is It Time to Re-Fuel Airline Regulation?

Is It Time to Re-Fuel Airline Regulation?

A Penn Program on Regulation panel considers the merits of reforming U.S. aviation regulation.

What’s Left, And What’s Next, for Racial Diversity in College Admissions

What’s Left, And What’s Next, for Racial Diversity in College Admissions

The Supreme Court has severely limited more than 45 years of precedent holding it constitutional for colleges and universities to consider race in admissions.

Regulatory Reform Through an Equity Lens

Regulatory Reform Through an Equity Lens

John D. Graham discusses reforming the regulatory process to prioritize equity.

Seeking Suggestions on Noise Pollution

Seeking Suggestions on Noise Pollution

Scholars recommend policies to address the harms of excessive noise.

Week in Review

Week in Review

FDA approves the first birth control pill available over-the-counter, EPA proposes stricter regulations on lead-based paint, and more…

The Supreme Court’s Wetland Saga Continues

The Supreme Court’s Wetland Saga Continues

Rejecting federal agencies’ interpretation of the Clean Water Act, the Supreme Court limits the application of federal law over wetlands.

Supreme Court Unlocks New Path to Relief for Disabled Students

Supreme Court Unlocks New Path to Relief for Disabled Students

The Supreme Court confirms an alternative avenue for disabled students to enforce their rights to receive an equitable education.

For Now, Court Is Cool with California in Charge

For Now, Court Is Cool with California in Charge

The Supreme Court narrowly rejects a Dormant Commerce Clause challenge to a California pork law.

Patents Do Not Bar Public Pharma Policies

Patents Do Not Bar Public Pharma Policies

Merck misconstrues patent law in its recent Takings Clause challenge to Medicare’s price negotiation program.

Punting Social Media Company Liability to Congress

Punting Social Media Company Liability to Congress

The Supreme Court affirms social media companies’ business models, dodging for now the issue of liability for harmful speech.

The Supreme Court’s 2022-2023 Regulatory Term

The Supreme Court’s 2022-2023 Regulatory Term

Legal scholars discuss the Court’s most significant regulatory decisions of the last term.

Domestic Animals, Wild Emissions

Domestic Animals, Wild Emissions

Scholars address regulatory struggles to rein in greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.