Solving the Pedestrian Safety Crisis
Scholar explains how NHTSA can regulate to ensure pedestrian safety.
Analyzing Regulatory Diffusion
Scholars find that reuse of regulatory language has increased over the past 20 years.
Agile Regulation and the Future of Governance
Penn Program on Regulation hosts panel discussion on governing a fast-changing world.
Coining a Regulatory Framework for Digital Assets
Scholars evaluate efforts to regulate cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other digital assets.
Week in Review
The Supreme Court temporarily blocks medication abortion ruling, Missouri limits care for transgender adults, and more…
Fiduciary Governance for 401(k)s
Retirement policy must evolve to account for participant preferences.
ERISA Plan Fiduciaries and ESG Factors
ERISA plan fiduciaries must be permitted to consider ESG factors when selecting plan investments.
Changes and Challenges to ESG Investing
The Labor Department’s new rule sets forth a principles-based approach to regulating ESG investing.
On Anti-ESG Resolution, Biden Issues First Veto
The President’s veto keeps in place a retirement investment rule allowing fiduciaries to consider ESG factors.
Investing for Values, Value, or Both?
Fiduciaries should account for participant preferences in designing ESG-friendly 401(k) retirement plans.
ESG and Retirement Plan Investing
Scholars and practitioners assess recent changes to ERISA regulations that allow greater choice in investing.
Patent Law Could Also Limit Mifepristone Access
Existing patents deter the marketing of more affordable generic drugs that could be used off-label for abortions.