Regulatory Oversight for Better Regulation
Empowering regulatory oversight bodies can help countries develop regulation that is fit for the future.
Improving Stakeholder Engagement and Evidence-Based Policy Making
The OECD highlights three tools for policymakers to improve regulatory outcomes.
Regulatory Policy 2.0
Governments must adapt regulatory tools and strategies to meet new problems and emerging challenges.
Is it Kosher for California to Ban Out-of-State Pork?
The U.S. Supreme Court faces choices in deciding a case pivotal to state regulation and interstate commerce.
Better Regulations for Better Lives
The OECD’s latest Regulatory Policy Outlook shows how regulators worldwide can regulate more effectively.
A Global Regulatory Policy Outlook
The OECD publishes major report on common regulatory challenges faced by countries around the world.
A Game of Inches for Youth Concussion Regulation
Experts explore the impact of concussion legislation on adolescent health and education.
Week in Review
The U.S. Senate passes a bill to grant federal protection for same sex and interracial marriage, the U.S. House passes a bill to avoid a railroad strike, and more…
Can School Finance Reform Support Reparations?
Scholars advocate reforming and regulating school funding schemes to grant reparations to Black Americans.
Big Oil Fights New Environmental Law in California
The oil and gas industry attempts to quash a California law protecting residents from extraction wells.
EPA Proposes Tougher Rules on Methane Leaks
The Biden Administration seeks to require the oil and gas industry to find and fix their own methane leaks.
Guidance for Regulators on the Major Questions Doctrine
To avoid potential legal challenges, agencies should take even more care in their regulatory planning, review, and communication.