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Week in Review

Week in Review

Appeals court finds the CFPB’s structure unconstitutional, the FTC proposes civil penalties for impersonation, and more…

Refocusing Deportation Law

Refocusing Deportation Law

Scholar argues that prioritizing noncitizens convicted of crimes for deportation is unjustified.

New York Clean Energy Goals Finally Show Promise

New York Clean Energy Goals Finally Show Promise

Modifications to New York State’s clean energy laws cleaned up the New York City grid.

Improving Regulatory Prediction

Improving Regulatory Prediction

Scholars discuss how policymakers can help businesses predict future government action.

Reflections of an Unapologetic Safety Regulator

Reflections of an Unapologetic Safety Regulator

Leading U.S. consumer safety regulator reflects on his career and offers lessons for all regulatory professionals.

The Key to Rent Control

The Key to Rent Control

Scholars engage the ongoing debate on rent control regulation amid a global spike in housing costs.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Biden signs the FTC Collaboration Act of 2021, FDA authorizes vaccine boosters for children, and more…

Negotiating Prices with Drug Manufacturers

Negotiating Prices with Drug Manufacturers

The Inflation Reduction Act aims to constrain rapidly increasing drug prices in the United States.

How Factory Farming Could Cause the Next COVID-19

How Factory Farming Could Cause the Next COVID-19

The CDC should recommend agricultural reforms to reduce pandemic risks caused by factory farms.

Limiting the Power of Police in Schools

Limiting the Power of Police in Schools

A legal scholar advocates the removal—rather than the increased regulation—of police forces from schools.

Supreme Illegitimacy

Supreme Illegitimacy

A terrible trio of Supreme Court cases from last term illustrates the need for judicial reform, which can occur through several options.

Boosting Rail Competition

Boosting Rail Competition

To ease inflation and supply chain issues, regulators should allow reciprocal switching among railroad networks.