All Essays

Regulating Contracts in Poultry Production

Regulating Contracts in Poultry Production

The U.S. Department of Agriculture proposes requiring chicken processors to provide more information in their contracts with growers.

Preparing the New Market for Meat Alternatives

Preparing the New Market for Meat Alternatives

As the alternative meat industry takes off, regulation will confront a new frontier.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The Supreme Court holds that HHS improperly altered hospital reimbursement rates, the CDC lifts COVID-19 testing requirements for international travelers, and more…

Does DARPA’s Legal Structure Lead to Ethical Lapses?

Does DARPA’s Legal Structure Lead to Ethical Lapses?

The agency’s design allows it to develop advanced technologies, some of which present ethical implications.

The Financial System’s Pandemic Shield

The Financial System’s Pandemic Shield

Scholars argue that Basel III Accords limited economic fallout from COVID-19.

The Regulatory Challenges of FinTech

The Regulatory Challenges of FinTech

Scholar sketches the current regulatory landscape for financial technologies in the United States.

Did Step Zero Help Doom Chevron?

Did Step Zero Help Doom Chevron?

One of the Supreme Court’s most significant administrative law precedents may soon be overturned.

Educating Students with Disabilities During COVID-19

Educating Students with Disabilities During COVID-19

Scholars reflect on regulatory gaps in special education for students with disabilities during the pandemic.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The House passes gun control legislation, the Supreme Court expands an exemption to the Federal Arbitration Act, and more…

Invasive Carp Eye the Great Lakes

Invasive Carp Eye the Great Lakes

Regulators struggle to keep pace with migration of invasive species to the Great Lakes.

The “Tyrant Test” for New Surveillance Technologies

The “Tyrant Test” for New Surveillance Technologies

Scholar offers approach to surveillance technologies based on Fourth Amendment principles.

A New Approach to Regulating Credit-Scoring AI

A New Approach to Regulating Credit-Scoring AI

Scholar presents regulatory solutions to problems posed by using AI to determine credit scores.