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A New Approach to Regulating Credit-Scoring AI

A New Approach to Regulating Credit-Scoring AI

Scholar presents regulatory solutions to problems posed by using AI to determine credit scores.

Immigration Surveillance in Health Care

Immigration Surveillance in Health Care

Scholar calls for increased protections for noncitizens within the health care system.

Can Privacy Regulations Outsmart Smart Toys?

Can Privacy Regulations Outsmart Smart Toys?

Scholars examine privacy regulations concerning smart toys for children.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The Supreme Court blocks a Texas law limiting the moderation of speech on social media, the Justice Department reviews the police response to the Uvalde shooting, and more…

The Future of Feces

The Future of Feces

As fecal microbiota transplantation gains traction in the medical world, regulators may need to step in.

Regulating Sponsored Influencer Marketing

Regulating Sponsored Influencer Marketing

Influencer advertising can bring large profits, but experts say it may also pose unique dangers to consumers.

Increasing Access to Credit in Communities of Color

Increasing Access to Credit in Communities of Color

Updating the Community Reinvestment Act to promote special purpose credit programs could improve equity in credit and lending.

Connecting Race and Regulation

Connecting Race and Regulation

New podcast series examines how regulation has reinforced racism—and how it might combat it too.

Transferring Military Skills to Civilian Employment

Transferring Military Skills to Civilian Employment

GAO recommends the U.S. Department of Defense improve servicemember credentialing programs.

Dark Patterns Cannot Stay in the Dark

Dark Patterns Cannot Stay in the Dark

In this Saturday Seminar, we collect scholarship on manipulative online practices that deceive consumers.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Senate Majority Leader Schumer plans to hold Senate vote on gun control legislation after mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, President Biden authorizes use of Defense Department aircraft to address formula shortage, and more…

Regulating Big-Cat Ownership

Regulating Big-Cat Ownership

Scholar argues for the strengthening of USDA regulations in big-cat ownership and exploitation.