The Hefty Price of Methane
New Zealand grapples with balancing agricultural interests when reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Would a National Popular Vote Make Every Vote Count?
Proposed legislation could change state regulations that allocate presidential electoral votes.
Could DHS Rescind DACA Based On Litigation Risk?
Agency predictions of court behavior are not always a tenable justification for rescission.
The Global Trade Order Going Out with a Whimper
The World Trade Organization’s dispute settlement system is in danger of collapse.
The Regulatory Battle Over Safe Injection Sites
As the United States struggles with opioid addiction, litigation rages over medically supervised consumption facilities.
Is Health Care Price Transparency Key to Lowering Costs?
A proposed rule seeks to force hospitals to disclose secret prices negotiated with health insurance companies.
Curbing the Spotted Lanternfly
Northeastern states are attempting to stop the spread of an invasive species that threatens crops.
Automakers Prefer Self-Regulation to Regulatory Uncertainty
Faced with uncertainty over fuel economy standards, four automakers choose to support stronger government regulation.
Righting a Wrong Against Teachers
Thousands of teachers could see loan debt disappear as the Education Department tries to correct a past mistake.
Improving Patient Safety for Inpatient Psychiatric Care
Researchers argue that safety efforts have lagged for inpatient psychiatric care.
Fixing the Shortfall in Highway Infrastructure Funding
A recent report highlights funding gaps for infrastructure and potential fixes.
Fixing the Family Glitch
Ambiguous language in the Affordable Care Act could keep affordable health care out of reach of millions.