The Rise of Electric Scooter Regulations
U.S. cities grapple with the regulatory challenges posed by electric scooter sharing programs.
Problems in Federal Wild Horse Management
Wild horse and burro population growth may soon overwhelm the federal government.
Regulating Initial Coin Offerings
Scholar suggests alternatives to regulating cryptocurrency offerings as conventional securities.
Can the Law Accommodate Recognizing Nonbinary Individuals?
Scholar urges new regulatory frameworks for recognizing nonbinary individuals under the law.
New Approach to Affordable Care Act Waivers Causes Controversy
The Trump Administration encourages states to use “innovation waivers” to find new ways to lower costs.
Latest Interpretation of Clean Water Act Creates Circuit Split
Courts disagree over the Clean Water Act’s applicability to the discharge of pollutants into groundwater.
Keeping Fraudulent Shrimp Out of Your Cocktail
The U.S. government is clamping down on seafood fraud and illegal fishing for shrimp imports.
New Front in the Labor War Between Uber and Its Drivers
Rideshare drivers in Philadelphia take their challenge for employee status to the Third Circuit.
Who Gets to Define the Crime?
A case challenging sex offender registration could revive the long-slumbering nondelegation doctrine.
Immigration Adjudication in the “Trump Era”
Scholar examines the former Attorney General’s increased political oversight of immigration courts.
How Often Does the Supreme Court Actually Apply Chevron?
The Court applies the Chevron test more often than one influential study suggests.
Clean Air Act Obscures Polluted “Hotspots”
Scholar argues that federal air laws conceal highly polluted areas.