Doctors or Devices?
Scholar weighs the possibility of regulating medical artificial intelligence like human professionals.
California Shines a Light on Dark Money
A recently passed state disclosure law will help reveal who pays for political ads.
Herbicide Regulators Differ on Whether to Ban Dicamba
Arkansas and EPA take different approaches to regulating a controversial herbicide called dicamba.
A New Standard of Data Protection
Companies gear up to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.
New Requirements to Combat Money Laundering
Banks will now be required to identify the owners of shell corporations.
Reforming Campaign Finance Regulation
Contribution limits are no longer justified in the age of social media, scholar argues.
Federal Appeals Court Calls Off Agency’s Robocall Ruling
The D.C. Circuit strikes down some of the FCC’s restrictions on automated calls.
Presidential Authority and the Antiquities Act
Scholars contend that the President may revoke monument designations made during previous administrations.
Federal Court Orders EPA to Revisit Lead Risks
Ninth Circuit orders EPA to propose a new standard for lead dust and an updated definition for lead paint.
The Internet Can Survive Without Net Neutrality
Recent paper argues that antitrust law could effectively protect Internet value in the absence of net neutrality rules.
Could You Lose Your Voter Registration for Not Voting?
The Supreme Court will decide if Ohio can automatically remove inactive voters from its registry.
Improving Regulation of Police Use of Lethal Force
Scholar argues that policymakers should apply the substance of executive branch lethal force regulations to the police context.