
Do Environmental Regulations Really Work?

Do Environmental Regulations Really Work?

Scholars argue that environmental laws improve air quality despite increases in U.S. manufacturing output.

Hard Brexit Makes Hard Law for EU Financial Services Regulation

Hard Brexit Makes Hard Law for EU Financial Services Regulation

A hard Brexit may require an overhaul of the EU’s rules governing its relationship with non-member states.

Defining the Role of the Chief Information Security Officer

Defining the Role of the Chief Information Security Officer

Agencies’ challenges with managing cybersecurity may prove instructive as New York unveils new cyber rule.

Evaluating Germany’s Success in Regulating High-Frequency Trading

Evaluating Germany’s Success in Regulating High-Frequency Trading

Scholar argues that ambitious German regulation on computer trades, although imperfect, is beneficial.

Regulations Could be Increasing Consumer Prices

Regulations Could be Increasing Consumer Prices

A recent study shows a correlation between regulation and consumer prices.

3D Printers Bring Regulation into the Living Room

3D Printers Bring Regulation into the Living Room

Scholars contemplate the health and safety risks of home manufacturing.

Making Profits by Disrupting the Regulatory Status Quo

Making Profits by Disrupting the Regulatory Status Quo

Scholar explains the rise and expansion of startups that push the regulatory envelope.

The Clean Power Plan Is not Without Precedent

The Clean Power Plan Is not Without Precedent

Environmental experts argue that precedent supports contested features of EPA’s major climate change rule.

Is Quantified Cost-Benefit Analysis a Requirement for Rulemaking?

Is Quantified Cost-Benefit Analysis a Requirement for Rulemaking?

Administrative law expert explores whether agencies must always use numbers to justify new rules.

What Should Regulators Do About Pilot Depression?

What Should Regulators Do About Pilot Depression?

A French agency’s report on the Germanwings accident reassesses the balance between medical privacy and public safety.

The Best Way to Implement the Clean Power Plan

The Best Way to Implement the Clean Power Plan

Energy policy expert argues that imposing a price on carbon is vital to implementing the Clean Power Plan.

Do Entry Regulations Promote Income Inequality?

Do Entry Regulations Promote Income Inequality?

Think-tank study finds correlation between income disparity and regulations affecting new businesses.