The Need for Federal Oversight of Tax Preparers
As court strikes down IRS tax preparer regulations, a scholar argues for a legislative fix.
A Resource List on NHTSA Fines, Recalls, and Reform
RegBlog’s go-to source for learning more about recent auto safety concerns.
Reforming Automobile Defects Investigations
After the federal auto safety agency missed GM’s switch problem, the DOT calls for change.
A Guide to Recent Automotive Industry Fines and Recalls
A decade of missed opportunities has led to increased enforcement and calls for change.
The American Pizza Community Bites Back
Pizza restaurants break from restaurant lobby to challenge FDA’s menu labeling rule.
Will the Volcker Rule’s Complexity Be Its Undoing?
Regulators face unique challenges as mandatory compliance begins.
Do Healthier School Lunches Mean More Food Waste?
The debate on plate waste from healthy school lunches continues.
What Is Fair and How Do We Know?
Scholars examine the framing of fairness in debates over Canadian oils sands regulation.
The Regulatory System May Not Be Ready for Synthetic Organisms
As researchers develop organisms that fuel your car, scholars warn that current regulations are not adequate.
Bringing Transparency Back to U.S. Food Law
Scholar argues that the food regulatory scheme is not doing enough in the name of transparency.
Could Student-Athletes at Public Universities Unionize?
New paper outlines how joint employer status could allow student-athletes to sue the NCAA.
Supreme Court Ruling Preserves Health Insurance Subsidies
Supreme Court held that Affordable Care Act’s tax credits can apply to Americans in every state.