Can Risk Assessment Help Us Determine if Regulations Kill Jobs?
Quantitative risk assessment, currently used to evaluate environmental and health hazards, can also analyze regulations’ impact on jobs.
Analyzing Regulation’s Effect on Jobs
Lisa Robinson argues that recent high unemployment highlights the need to assess employment effects of regulation.
FCC, FTC Merger Necessary to Modernize Communications Regulation, Comment Suggests
FCC’s largely duplicative functions should be redeployed to other agencies, says think tank.
Cracks Emerge in U.S. Prohibition on Industrial Hemp Cultivation
As 2014 Farm Bill loosens federal restrictions, states look to gain new revenue.
Rarely Used Rule May Expand Small Companies’ Access to Capital
SEC proposal would exempt small businesses from federal and state security registration.
“Big Four” Decision Shines Light on Regulatory Conflicts
International accounting firms remain stuck between Chinese and U.S. law.
EPA Awards Nearly $5 Million in Grants to Study Green Infrastructure
Projects will support urban stormwater management, with a focus on Philadelphia.
Promoting Renewable Energy in the Federal Government
Presidential memo requires agencies to obtain 20% of energy from renewable sources by 2020.
Should Chemical Regulation Be Stronger?
West Virginia chemical spill raises question of whether better regulation is needed.
House Subcommittee Airs Debate Over “Secret Law”
Public access to regulations takes center stage at congressional hearing.
What is the Future for Genetic Testing and Personalized Medicine?
FDA declares personalized medicine “has clearly arrived.”
Workplace Injury Reports to Go Online
OSHA proposes requirement for employers to submit injury and illness reports electronically.