How Well Do Businesses in India Comply with Regulatory Standards?
World Bank research study shows substantial noncompliance with key labor law.
U.S. Agency Expands Support for Partial Decommissioning of Oil Rigs
New “rigs-to-reefs” policy endorses ongoing conversion of retired offshore platforms into artificial reefs.
Improving Disability Adjudication
ACUS makes several recommendations to improve SSA’s claim processing.
Behavioral Science in the Regulatory State
New research paper examines the challenges and opportunities of a behavioral approach to regulation.
Plastic Bag Regulations Gain Momentum, Face Criticism
Many jurisdictions have adopted or are considering controversial laws that restrict single-use plastic bags.
Agency Seeks to Enhance Reliability of Emergency Phone Calls
FCC proposal aims to enhance cellular communication during emergencies.
International Approach to Failing Financial Institutions Sought
U.S. and U.K. regulators stress progress on cross-border agreements.
The Growing Application of Cost-Benefit Analysis to Financial Regulation
Cost-benefit analysis assumes an increasingly prominent role in financial rulemaking.
A New Tax-and-Spend Strategy to Fight Obesity
Scholar proposes a manufacturers’ excise tax to fund obesity-prevention efforts.
Regulatory Analysis: Year in Review
RegBlog celebrates 2013 by featuring our top analysis posts from the past year.
Have Bank Regulators Effectively Responded to the Financial Crisis?
External committee offers recommendations to enhance OCC supervision of financial institutions.