
The Dangers of Indicators

The Dangers of Indicators

Increased reliance on indicators can mask an institution’s non-quantifiable policies, Galit A. Sarfaty argues.

Europe’s E. coli Outbreak:  The EU Food Safety Regime Under Stress

Europe’s E. coli Outbreak: The EU Food Safety Regime Under Stress

A rare strain of E. coli raises tensions and questions over the EU response.

Agency Calculations of the Value of Statistical Lives Saved

Agency Calculations of the Value of Statistical Lives Saved

Regulatory agencies change monetary values used when analyzing life-saving regulations.

The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy

The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy

Private international organizations increasingly set the rules for business activity around the world, but domestic institutions still matter even in setting global rules.

FTC Issues Pay-for-Delay Report

FTC Issues Pay-for-Delay Report

Report finds consumer harm in rise of pay-for-delay agreements.

Open Government and Its Impact

Open Government and Its Impact

Defining open government and conceptualizing its success are key first steps in developing a transparency research agenda.

PAYGO Proposed to Manage Agency Regulations

PAYGO Proposed to Manage Agency Regulations

Could regulatory PAYGO work like legislative PAYGO?

United States and EU Reduce Reliance on Credit Rating Agencies

United States and EU Reduce Reliance on Credit Rating Agencies

The SEC eliminates references to CRA ratings from its rules, while the EU increases its oversight of CRAs.

The EPA Transport Rule’s Positive Net Benefits

The EPA Transport Rule’s Positive Net Benefits

Studies show that the environmental and health benefits of the EPA’s proposed rule would significantly outweigh its compliance costs.

Federal Research Center’s New Venture Into Drug Discovery

Federal Research Center’s New Venture Into Drug Discovery

New National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences works with pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs.

President Obama Wins Praise from Business

President Obama Wins Praise from Business

The President reaches out to the business community in an effort to stake out a middle ground.

International Linkage of National Climate Change Policies

International Linkage of National Climate Change Policies

Regulation of greenhouse gas emissions may proceed by linking together multiple national cap-and-trade systems.