Time to Get Graphic with Cigarette Labels?
FDA is years behind in its statutory mandate to put graphic warnings on cigarette labels.
Congress Takes Aim at Gag Clauses in Form Contracts
Bill would crack down on clauses that ban consumers from writing negative online reviews.
The Race Question
OMB proposal to revise its racial and ethnic categories may better reflect America’s changing demographics.
Currency Authority Proposes Ban on Bank Investments in Commercial Metals
U.S. banking regulator seeks to stop banks from trading in metals like copper and aluminum.
For Agencies, Smooth and Safe Traveling Takes a Front Seat on Thanksgiving
Holiday marked by mass mobility prompts regulatory responses nationwide.
Filling Up the Gas Tank with Corn, Sugar Cane, and Wood
EPA moves to increase support for ethanol and other renewable fuels.
The Uncertain Benefits of GMO Labeling
Scholar argues that regulators will have difficulty applying cost-benefit analysis to mandatory GMO labeling.
New Reporting Requirements Imposed on Treasury Market
In the wake of bizarre market behavior, regulators move to expand disclosure on Treasury trades.
EPA Finalizes Latest Smog Rule
After a long battle, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule receives an update.
President Obama Signs First Ever Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights
The bill begins to close gaps in state-by-state regulatory treatment of sexual assault survivors.
Hill Briefing Addresses Regulatory Challenges for Next Administration
Public Citizen and the Coalition for Sensible Safeguards convened panels of regulatory experts.
$85 Billion AT&T Deal Takes Center Stage as Election Nears
Recently proposed mega-merger falls in the crosshairs of presidential race.