Reducing Barriers to Glucose Monitoring
FDA approves first over-the-counter continuous glucose monitor for U.S. patients.
FDA Targets Toxic Soda Ingredients
FDA proposes a rule that would prohibit the use of a toxic food additive in sodas.
Organ Transplantation System Modernization
UNOS may no longer retain sole control of the organ transplantation network.
Congratulations to Our 2023-2024 Editorial Board
The Regulatory Review extends its thanks and best wishes to our graduating editorial staff.
Harnessing AI to Combat Climate Change
At a Penn Program on Regulation workshop, Cass Sunstein explains how AI can help consumers make climate-friendly choices.
Texas Universities Shut Out Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The recent implementation of SB 17 mandates the closure of DEI offices in public Texas universities.
FCC’s New Rule Protects Domestic Violence Survivors’ Cell Phone Access
FCC says a cell phone can be an abuser’s tool of control or a survivor’s lifeline.
Final Merger Guidelines Released
The Justice Department and the FTC jointly release final antitrust policy for business mergers.
Labor Department Proposes New Definition of Fiduciary
The new rule would impose fiduciary duties on financial professionals in additional circumstances.
Examining the New Artificial Intelligence Executive Order
President Biden issues an executive order directing federal agencies to regulate emerging AI technologies.
White House Seeks to Modernize Its Public Engagement Over Regulation
OIRA releases guidance aiming to expand participation in the regulatory review process.
Featured Regulatory Series of 2023
The Regulatory Review highlights our series published over the past year.