DOJ Approves the Google-ITA Merger but More Antitrust Scrutiny May Be Waiting in the Wings
The FTC may investigate Google’s practices after the company settles with the DOJ.
Budget Deal May Shut Down Open Government Websites
The Obama Administration’s Open Government Initiative takes a budget hit.
Senate Committee Hearing on the “Digital Divide”
Hearing addresses improving native communities’ access to telephone and digital services.
Patent Reform Bill Passes Senate, Taken Up By House
Most substantial reforms in half century proposed for the U.S. patent system.
Senate Judiciary Committee Discusses the Electronic Communications Privacy Act
Agencies disagree over how to balance between privacy and crime-fighting.
EPA Proposes Air Toxics Standards for Power Plants
At court-ordered deadline, EPA proposes standards for mercury and other air toxics.
Regulatory Agencies Plan for Federal Government Shutdown
Agencies show how they would react to a funding hiatus.
Washington D.C. Plans to Overhaul Its Zoning Code
Washington, D.C. seeks to promote environmental sustainability by updating zoning code.
Japan’s Nuclear Disaster Generates Debate Over American Preparedness
Lawmakers study the nuclear disaster in Japan and debate the necessity of improvements to American nuclear safety.