
Regulatory Science and the TTIP

Regulatory Science and the TTIP

Trade talks could help improve regulatory policy in both the U.S. and EU.

(Mis)management of Lake Okeechobee Discharges

(Mis)management of Lake Okeechobee Discharges

To save a natural treasure, Florida should institute stricter TMDLs to reduce fertilizer runoff.

The Role of Permits in the Regulatory State

The Role of Permits in the Regulatory State

General permits play an increasingly important role in implementing regulation.

Rethinking Disclosure in the Wake of McCutcheon v. FEC

Rethinking Disclosure in the Wake of McCutcheon v. FEC

The FEC’s data system must be improved if campaign finance disclosure is to work.

Two Cheers for Recess Appointments

Two Cheers for Recess Appointments

The Supreme Court lets the president down easy in NLRB v. Noel Canning.

Why Arizona Should Lift its Regulatory Moratorium

Why Arizona Should Lift its Regulatory Moratorium

Arizona should end its five-year moratorium on new regulations.

Proactive Regulation

Proactive Regulation

Policymakers should use statistical prediction to analyze social trends and prevent crises before they strike.

The Costs and Benefits of Data Brokers

The Costs and Benefits of Data Brokers

Data brokers’ use of big data leads to questions about how best to protect consumers.

Enforcement and Regulatory Governance

Enforcement and Regulatory Governance

Environmental regulators need to take a more holistic approach to improve compliance.

Should the FCC Regulate Internet Interconnection?

Should the FCC Regulate Internet Interconnection?

Regulation is not the answer to interconnection concerns.

The Administrative State and the Optimal Abuse of Power

The Administrative State and the Optimal Abuse of Power

A state built to prevent all abuses of power would perform poorly.

Regulatory Implications of Bank Securitization and Executive Compensation

Regulatory Implications of Bank Securitization and Executive Compensation

Regulators should provide more stringent monitoring of bank securitization and CEO compensation.