Regulation and Democracy
How the resurgence of progressivism will produce improved regulatory outcomes.
Prospects for an Interstate Cap and Trade for Greenhouse Gases
The last years of the Obama administration will determine if the EPA succeeds in implementing a cap-and-trade regime.
The Battle over Transatlantic Financial Regulation
Improved diplomatic processes would help strengthen international economic cooperation.
Informing the Debate over Regulation’s Impact on Jobs
Debate over regulation’s effects on employment would benefit from better policy analysis.
What We (Should) Talk About When We Talk About Green Growth
How defining green growth will create better environmental policy.
Improving Regulation Requires Closer Scrutiny of Benefits
Many regulations fail to demonstrate a need for agency action.
Internalizing Cost-Benefit Analysis
Agencies can improve both regulatory analysis and decision-making by establishing internal review capacity.
Private Rules, Public Goods
New book examines agents and entrepreneurs in today’s global environmental governance.
The Case for Performance-Based Regulation of Food and Beverage Retailers
An alternative regulatory approach could entice business to create a healthier American diet.
The Problem of Political Ignorance
Voter ignorance bolsters arguments for judicial review and limited government.
Smart Regulation for the Smart Grid
Smart Grid Interoperability Panel provides model for collaborative standards development.
The Shift to Prosecuting Companies Instead of Individuals
Federal prosecutors have made a subtle but important shift over the last 30 years to prosecuting companies and institutions.