Substance or Politics: What Dictates Obama’s Regulatory Agenda?
Both critics and defenders overstate true role of cost-benefit analysis in rulemaking
What are Regulation’s Effects on Employment?
New Wharton Public Policy Initiative issue brief by Professor Coglianese reviews the evidence.
Updating OSHA Inspection Policies
Using predictive targeting could better identify firms with the biggest risks to workers.
Smarting Up EU Risk Management: The Needed Step Forward
The Smart Regulation agenda of the EU is vital but must be upgraded to manage risks.
The Paradox of Regulation: What It Can and Cannot Achieve
Regulatory success depends on managing actuarial, socio-cultural, and political risk.
Horse Meat Scandal Turns into Food Safety Crisis
Why country-of-origin-labeling is not the right solution.
Improving Insurance Decision Making
Insurance, if better understood, holds great promise for businesses, consumers, and more.
Solving the Add-On Insurance Dilemma
Behavioral economics supports new strategies to regulate high-priced add-on insurance.
Will OMB Make the Right Decision on Menu Labeling?
Requiring grocery stores to display calories may be too costly for its purported benefits.
Effective Climate Policy: The Case for a Carbon Tax
A carbon tax is the most effective and least costly climate policy.
First Principles for Interpreting Regulation
A new framework promises greater coherence in regulatory interpretation.
Trust & Verify: How the CPSC Gets the Information It Needs
Contrary to critics, statute leads to better information for consumer protection.